Who we are!



"Savings Today - Changing Tomorrow"

     Feel great saving up to 90% off retail every day when shopping at thriftylizard.com. Catapult that feeling into tomorrow by the impact you make on the environment and on students in our hometown. Every secondhand item you choose as part of your collection saves untold resources for our planet.

     In fact, in a 2017 study in the Journal of Cleaner Production, life-cycle assessments were performed on a cotton T-shirt, a pair of jeans and a polyester dress. It was determined that by quadrupling the average life span of these items a 75 percent savings in freshwater used for dyeing and other processes could be achieved. This provides a better tomorrow for the environment! 

     Thrifty Lizard operates in a town of 500 people creating jobs in an economically depressed area. These jobs provide families with the opportunity to make a living right at home. Proceeds from every sale benefits a local organization blestjourney.org, that invests in students with an after school tutoring program and as well as a college-aged program to help them connect and grow.